Falsely billed as “A World Premiere Musical,” by Michael John LaChiusa “Hotel C’est l’Amour” is really just a review of LaChuisa’s songs from all his other shows set in the bridal suite of a hotel, except the ‘just’ is sufficient enough to enjoy his nuanced, deeply felt music and lyrics even as performed by the shallow yuppies (with a few exceptions) performing them at the 2nd Stage in Hollywood.
What director Daniel Henning and his designers accomplish in this 50 seat theater is nothing short of remarkable. As with “Lobster Alice’s” over the top comedy pulled off with brilliant delicacy, director Henning again pulls a rabbit out of a hat, a full blown musical that doesn’t in any way seem trapped on it’s tiny stage, it seems to make the intimate songs so intimate that you sometimes feel like your intruding on a very intimate encounter, it’s uncomfortable but moving. Mr. Henning understands the language of stage pictures and movement with expertise. He keeps his audience focused with precision and makes it fun.
The cast is a mixed bag. The Bride Jennifer Malenke is angelic looking and sounding. A fine soprano with matching looks and depth, she stands out next to The Groom Rick Cornette’s Ken doll looks and depth. America Olivo’s the other woman Marie is sultry and sympathetic with mixed results, but her “Beautiful” from ‘Marie Christine’ is a wonder to watch and hear. Vicki Lewis takes ‘over the top’ to new heights, ripping every inch of comedy (and then some) out of LaChiusa’s comic relief numbers almost to the point where they aren’t funny any more. But “Orangatang Marriage-On-the-Rocks” is a true hoot!
The sophistication and tenderness of LaChuisa’s music learned of Sondheim, Rodgers & Kern make “Hotel C’est l’Amour” another treat at Hollywood’s best kept secret...let the word be heard.